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Contoh Descriptive Text Kerjakana Inggris

Contoh Descriptive Text Kerjakana Inggris
Contoh Descriptive Text Kerjakana Inggris
Descriptive Text - yakni text yang menggambarkan sesuatu hal baik orang, benda, suatu kawasan dan lain sebagainya yang sifatnya yakni untuk menjelaskan sesuatu hal tersebut semetode khusus dan bukan semetode umum atau general.

Ciri Descriptive Text
mengpergunakan Present Tense, misalnya: go, eat, fly, etc.
mengpergunakan banyak sekali macam Adjectives (kata sifat) yang bersifat Describing (mengambarkan), Numbering (Menomerkan), dan Classifying (mengklasifikasikan), misalnya: two strong legs, sharp white fangs, etc.
mengpergunakan Relating Verbs untuk memperlihatkan info perihal subjek, misalnya: my mum is realy cool, it has very thick fur, etc.
mengpergunakan Thinking Verbs (kata kerja berfikir, menyerupai belive, think, etc.) dan Feeling Verbs (kata kerja perasa, menyerupai feel)untuk mengungkapkan pandangan eksklusif penulis perihal subjek, misalnya: police believe the suspect is armed, I think it is a clever animal, etc.
mengpergunakan Adverbs (kata keterangan) untuk memperlihatkan info pemanis mengenai sikap atau sifat (Adjective) yang dijelaskan, misalnya: it is extremely high, it runs definitely past, etc.

Struktur umum Descriptive Text
Terdapat dua bab yang menjadi ciri dari Descriptive Text itu sendiri. Kedua bab tersebut yakni :
Identification : berisi perihal identifikasi hal / seorang yang akan dideskripsikan.
Description : berisi perihal klarifikasi / penggambaran perihal hal / seseorang dengan menyebutkan beberapa sifatnya.

Dalam sebuah Descriptive Text akan ditemukan dua bab penting goresan pena yang diantaranya yakni Identification, yaitu bab yang menjelaskan perihal indentifiksi sesuatu hal yang hendak dideskripsikan, sementara bab lainnya yakni description yang berisi perihal deskripsi suatu hal yang dituliskan tersebut semetode terperinci.

Contoh Descriptive Text Bahasa Inggris

Bagi Anda yang ingin memahami semetode terang menyerupai apa pola Descriptive Text kerjakana Inggris, maka pada kesempatan ini akan dipublikasikan contoh-contohnya kepada Anda, yaitu sebagai berikut dibawah ini:

1. Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Hewan

Sebagai pola pertama Descriptive Text Bahasa Inggris, maka disini akan diangkat perihal pola Descriptive Text perihal hewan. Adapun judul Descriptive Text perihal binatang ini yakni "What is a Butterfly?". Untuk memfokuskan pola selengkapnya, silahkan lihat dibawah berikut ini.

What is a Butterfly?

Butterflies are beautiful, flying insects with large scaly all insects, they have six legs, three body parts, a pair of antennae, and compound eyes. The three body parts are the head, thorax (the chest), and abdomen (the tail end). The four wings and the six legs of the butterfly are connected to the thorax. The thorax contains the muscles that make the legs and wings move.

Butterflies ere very good fliers. They have two pairs, of large wings covered with colourful scales. Butterflies and moths are the only insects that have scaly wings. The wings are connected to the butterfly’s thorax (mid-section). Butterflies can only fly if their body temperature is above 27 degrees Centigrade. Butterflies sun themselves to warm up in cool weather. As butterflies get older, the colour of the wings fades and the wings become ragged.

The speed varies among butterfly species (the poisonous varieties are slower than noun – poisonous varieties). The fastest butterflies can fly at about 50 kilometers per hour (kph) or faster. Slow flying butterflies fly about 8 kph.

2. Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Artis

Contoh Descriptive Text perihal artis disini akan dingkat perihal dongeng kecantikan seorang artis Amerika Serikat yang berjulukan Miley Cyrus. Untuk memfokuskan Descriptive Text ini semetode lengkap, silahkan baca dibawah ini.

Miley Cyrus

Her name is Miley Cyrus. She is an actress and singer from USA. She was born on November 23, 1992 in Franklin, Tennessee.
Miley Cyrus is the daughter of a country singer, Billy Ray Cyrus. Her mother is Dolly Parton, a famous American singer.

Miley Cyrus has an oval face. Her hair is wavy. The colour is brown. Miley Cyrus is a vegetarian. She doesn't like eating some meat.

Her favourite meal is Chinese food. Miley Cyrus has a bad habit. She likes to bite her nails very often.

3. Contoh Descriptive Text perihal Ibu

Sebagai pola Descriptive Text kerjakana Inggris yang ketiga yakni perihal pola Descriptive Text perihal Ibu yang semetode lengkap sanggup dilihat dibawah ini.

My Mother

I think that my mother is a beautiful person. She is not tall but not short, and she has curly hair and brown. Her eyes color are like honey and her color skin color light brown, and she has a beautiful smile. Her weight likes 120 lbs.

She is a very kind person. She is very lovely, friendly, patient, and she loves to help people. I love my mom, because she is a good example to me. She loves being in the Church, and she loves sing and dance too.

She is a very good child, wife and mother. She always takes care of her family. She likes her house to be clean and organized. She a very organized person, and all things in the house are in the right place. She doesn’t like messes.

She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. I like when I am going to sleep or went I wake up or when I am going to go to some places, she always give me a kiss, and when the family have a persoalan she always be with us to helps us and to give us all her love.

Itulah tadi beberapa contoh Descriptive Text yang sanggup saya sampaikan, untuk artikel lainnya sanggup anda cari sendiri di google.

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